Capstone Project

Details: Single Mothers trying to have maintain and work life balance with a digital solution
App name: Finway
Platform: IOS, Iphone

Duration: 10 weeks

Case Study

Problem Statement: According to secondary research, Women account for 86% of single parents with dependent children, the average age of a single parent is 38 years of age, with approximately 60% of single parents caring for one dependent child. Because of this single mothers facing issue to manage their household finances Because either its too time consuming or non efficient.

Design Approach: I followed a user-centered design approach, conducting extensive user research to understand the pain points and needs of single mothers. Through interviews, surveys, and usability testing, I gathered valuable pain points, motivations and goals with insights and used them to inform the design decisions.

Key Features and Solutions: I chose to deliver a digital solution by time and finance managing app called Finway includes an intuitive analytics with pie, bar, circular, linear diagrams to assist single mothers for their current financial situation. The app also features reminder notifications, in order to not miss any appointment or payment. With this users are also aware of their current financial situation and incoming bills and expenses. One very extrinsic feature of app is online banking, with online banking users has option to set - up pre - authorized payment for not missing any payment and bearing late payment fee.

Impact and Results: The launch of Finway resulted in a significant impact on the travel industry. Users reported a heightened sense of confidence and convenience during their trips, thanks to the personalized recommendations and real-time support provided by the app. User engagement and satisfaction metrics demonstrated a substantial increase, leading to positive reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations.

Lessons Learned: Through this capstone project, I honed my skills in user research, prototyping, and usability testing. I gained valuable insights into the importance of empathy, iterative design, and continuous feedback loops in creating successful user experiences. This project highlighted the significance of thoroughly understanding user needs and designing solutions that address their pain points effectively.

Conclusion: The Finway app serves as a testament to the power of user-centered design in revolutionizing the management experience. By combining intuitive interfaces, personalized banking, and real-time assistance of current standings of user , the app has transformed how single mothers plan and navigate their work life balance. This capstone UI/UX project has not only provided valuable insights and learnings but has also contributed to improving the travel experiences of users worldwide.


Finway Features


Check your Analytics more frequently

and easily with one tap

Saving Goals

Make your saving goals and monitor your current status.


Monitor your expenses, incoming bills, spending. See where you can cut out to stay focused on your bigger goals

Clever Notifications

Get clever notifications how when running out of budget, days left to reach a goal, over spending with also option to mute notifications.


A circle diagram to show your precise analytics

of spending and expenses. Clear and concise

info you need everyday.


Search drop down menu

Set-up Pre authorized payment

